Application for OTGA Training Courses

Interested applicants can register for an OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) Training Course by submitting their application online via the corresponding (online) application form, published together with each course announcement

Application for a training course requires the following:

  • having a complete and up to date profile on OceanExpert Directory (,
  • the submission of an endorsement letter from the current employer/host institution (if requesting financial support, either in full or partial).  Important: a valid endorsement letter should be issued by the competent organisation using its official template and dully signed by the Director or deputy director / supervisor and stamped; please use standard formats when uploading the endorsement letter, such as PDF, JPEG, PNG (file size should not exceed 3Mb).

The Course description, topics covered, expected learning outcomes and pre-requisites (if any) are available on the IOC website (, IOC Capacity Development website ( and  IODE ( The candidates should make sure to be aware of those before submitting an application.

The selection of the participants will take into consideration:

  • educational and/or professional background, including compliance with any pre-requisites to attend the training course,
  • applicants should demonstrate strong institutional support from their employer (the applicant's employer should state his support with an official endorsement letter),
  • applicants must be able to understand and communicate in English (unless stated otherwise, all courses are in English) (please note that a personal phone interview may take place for language skills assessment),
  • candidates should have (at least) basic IT-skills, depending on the course they are applying for.

UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Therefore applications from women are strongly encouraged.

For each course financial support (full and/or partial) is available for a limited number of participants. Sponsored participants will be supported in one or more of the following costs:

  • travel costs,
  • accommodation and meals support,
  • tuition fee (if applicable);
  • medical insurance.

The selection of participants who will be sponsored will take into consideration:

  • the applicant's country's development status (preference will be given to LIFDCs). The LIFDC list can be found here;
  • expected impact of the training on the applicant's career development and/or institution capacity development;
  • endorsement of the applicant's application by his/her employer: a letter from the employer stating the applicant's present position within the organisation along with a description of the applicant's professional responsibilities is required. The employer should explain the importance of the training course for the applicant's position and for the organisation as a whole. The employer should preferably demonstrate the possibility to transfer the acquired knowledge upon return of the applicant to the home institution/country;
  • the availability of any co-sponsoring (co-sponsoring is an asset for selection).

For any questions contact the OceanTeacher Global Academy Coordinator and also to the Regional Training Centre Coordinator (in case the course is taking place on one of the OTGA RTCs), during the period open for applications, published at and

Applications that are incomplete will be rejected. Submission after the deadline is not possible. Documents are to be submitted in English, unless otherwise stated. Documents in other languages might be accepted (only IOC official languages), but a version translated into English may be requested.

All applicants shall receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their application by e-mail.

The Steering Group of the OceanTeacher Global Academy will carry out the selection of candidates, including applications for sponsorship. All applicants, selected or not to participate in a Training Course, will be informed by e-mail in due time.

Tuition fees

Eventual course fees to cover costs such as printed lecture materials, consumables, lunches, refreshments, etc, may apply. The exact value of the tuition fee may vary depending on the RTC's. Unless stated otherwise, no tuition fees apply. For further information please contact the OTGA Coordinator.


Contact details:

OTGA Secretariat

UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE

Wandelaarkaai 7/61

B-8400 Oostende

Modifié le: mardi 21 janvier 2020, 12:04